Well, I'm still working on the same panels. The format changed slightly. I still need to add about fifty more buttons and functions before this screen is finished. But this, even though it is not the last, should be the hardest. After that, I'll be able to move on.
I also managed to finish the game's first official model: the F/A-22 Raptor, the world's greatest and newest fighter jet. I want to fly that machine some day. There are a few mistakes in it, but I'm going to leave it for two reasons: first, the player won't notice, second, I want to keep the polycount down. 550 is my maximum for two reasons: gameSpace Light doesn't allow me to go beyond that limit, and neither will I. My game may have a few hundred units on-screen at once so I have to keep the detail down.
Hey, I like my F/A-22.
smashComputer(); //take out some pent out anger
throwDartsAtBoss(); //take out more anger
sleep(6*60*60); //sleep six hours