Tuesday, October 25, 2005

And progress continues

Under the watchful eyes of David, my young apprentice, I got my troops moving. I got the real models in, at least for the prototype RTS being built. Now coming out of the command center, in a code which is a bit shakey, are foot soldiers with AK47s. They can't shoot, but they can move! David got me to go as far as animating them! Something I wouldn't do until much later in the script! So these guys walk to where I tell them to go and then stop when they get there. They walk on top of the ground, they don't go off all over the place, they don't bend towards the ground anymore. In fact, the majority of the old problems are gone in terms of movement. Now I have to figure out how to get whole groups of troops to move together in formation.

But I have a good start. My command center builds the troops around the building every five seconds, some basic panels for building the units, units that move, selections that work a lot better so far. Single-unit select, ctrl+click select, deselect is all working fine now. I've started some other units in gameSpace now as well.

My next plan of attack is to create the rally points for building units, creating multiple unit movement, and perhaps creating and implementing some citizens. Yes, it is now time for citizens.

Well, I've got plenty of work to do tomorrow, if I can fit it between my driving test, my recruiting with Mr. Gleason, CAP and reading all of Faulkner's Absalom Absalom.

smashComputer(); //take out some pent out anger
throwDartsAtBoss(); //take out more anger
sleep(6*60*60); //sleep six hours

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